What is VeloCloud SD-WAN? – Definition, Architecture and Functions

What is VeloCloud SD-WAN? VeloCloud is the brainchild of Sanjay Gopalakrishnan, former Cisco Systems engineer and now a venture capitalist. The company was initially started to provide hosted VPN solutions to small and medium sized businesses, but Mr. Gopalakrishnan felt that there was a need for a comprehensive cloud networking solution that would encompass both the private cloud and the public cloud. His mission was to create an open-standards-driven network and software platform that would allow providers of virtual private servers to connect with each other and with hosting service providers in order to create the cloud infrastructure that needed to run applications.

The first feature that VeloCloud SD-WAN offers is its offsite web site and its online admin portal. The company’s main site offers detailed information on how to get started with the product and helps customers to learn about their particular needs. VeloCloud also offers technical support and is always open to suggestions and questions from customers. Its feature set includes four primary components: Private Cloud, Public Cloud, SaaS and Hybrid Cloud. Each of these features has their own benefits and limitations, and the company strives to provide a flexible network that meets the needs of both private and public users.

VeloCloud SD-WAN can be used as a stand alone solution or it can be integrated into a VDI/VDI system. The networking functionality is provided through the use of a browser interface and is intended to be easy to deploy. There are several browser based interface options, including Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

VeloCloud’s Private Cloud feature allows a business owner to establish permissions as needed for specific data or application pools. This feature is great for organizations that may need access to some information but want to avoid placing the users at risk. By establishing permissions on the private server, applications will only be able to read data they are authorized to, and no other user will be able to gain access to it. Furthermore, this feature will make sure that data is available no matter where in the world the user may be located.

VeloCloud’s Hybrid Cloud feature provides businesses with more than just application availability. They can create a private cloud of storage space from which applications can be accessed via a web browser. It works by dividing up the cloud, or service, into two separate locations. By separating the locations, a company can ensure that critical data resides at a secure location while at the same time allowing access to individual websites through the browser.

A question that many people may have is, “What is VeloCloud SD-WAN?” VeloCloud’s popularity stems from its easy to use interface, which makes it easy for any person to set up their own VPN service. Furthermore, there are several free online tutorials that provide a quick overview of how to set up a VPN network. By following these simple steps, a business owner should have no trouble setting up a VPN network and using it to secure sensitive internet data. A Cloud provider such as VeloCloud will work for any size company and will allow them to achieve greater security for their data.