AI Applications is a collective term for software that attempts to solve difficult problem and then to make the solution self-contained. It is now very common to hear about artificially intelligent computers, artificial intelligent vehicles, and even artificial intelligent humans. While the technology is still very much in its infancy, it already has many applications. Many of these use deep learning techniques to teach the systems to recognize patterns in large libraries of unstructured data and then to find a match to that data.
Deep learning requires large amounts of data to be processed quickly, efficiently, and to the point. Typically, this data comes from large databases maintained by the software developer. The software developer will build the database when the software is initially installed and also when training is started up. It is a continual process that goes on throughout the software’s life cycle.
One example of artificial intelligence applications that is now being utilized is the use of big data. Researchers at Facebook have been collecting data about people and their connections since 2006. Recently, they announced that they had a large amount of data on over 500 million users. They are currently keeping that information for research purposes.
However, many of you may be wondering what they are doing with all of that data. It is actually quite simple. They are using the software to find relationships. For example, if two people are friends on Facebook, then there is a strong chance that they will share a significant other. Similarly, if they have similar hobbies or friends, then there is a strong chance that they will also share information about that hobby or friends.
With the help of the Facebook data, the software can pair up people who may have only been in touch via social media. By using the same software, they are able to create a network of contacts which may help them find a person who they would not have otherwise found through traditional methods. Through the use of data, they are able to train the software to recognize patterns and make connections based on those patterns. Eventually, the software can be used to filter out the useless data and provide relevant information.
One of the most exciting artificial intelligence applications is medical transcription. Transcribing the audio of medical professionals is a difficult task. Not only does it require one to possess a high level of comprehension of medical terms but it requires one to also have a good understanding of how to transcribe the audio. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, this task can now be done by computer software.
Another application currently in development is called self-driving cars. Similar to earlier examples of self-driving vehicles, this software will monitor traffic conditions and brake if necessary. It will communicate with the drivers to keep them safe and alert. The automobile itself will use the data from the onboard computer to control the brakes and accelerate or decelerate as necessary. Because of the complex programming required in these systems, it is likely that the first applications will be fully autonomous.
With artificial intelligence becoming more prevalent throughout all aspects of society, the future looks bright for humankind. As more tasks are taken over by computers, fewer tasks will be left for people. With the advent of artificially intelligent computers, that may eventually be true. That means there could be less work left for humans and even more for computers. As you can see, artificial intelligence applications hold a lot of promise for our future.